Life In Spain

"It's life Jim, but not as we know it" A tongue in cheek account of life in Spain where we come to fufill our dream in the sun. The joys and the frustrations all laid bare.

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Location: Andalucia, Spain

Do not be fooled by my cool exterior. Inside there is a mad and frothy middle aged person trying to get out !

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Yeso Spraying

Holiday time is over and my daughter has returned to the UK so back to some serious work. Due to my inability to stay on my feet without breaking them, we have got a little behind with the work on the cave. We are due more visitors at the beginning of August, and I do not mean the odd one or two I mean a lot, mainly teenagers, who are all rock musicians and are doing a tour of France and Spain. Before you think we have taken leave of our senses, the group are being brought by a good friend of ours who is a Youth and Community Worker from the area where we used to live. One of his functions in life is too help young people to help themselves and explore every facet of who they can be. One of 'Joe's' project is a recording studio and providing the young people somewhere they can receive tuition, suport and advice. We believe in Joe's work 1000% and will support and assist where we are able. My other half's son Rick will be in this party of musicians.

Now given the volume of people, who will mainly be camping on the top of our mountain, and also given, that we only have one bathroom, my thoughts are.......this is going to get messy. Our great need was to get the additional living accommodation finished or somewhere near and at the very least get another toilet and handbasin functioning. This is where the panic set in as we knew that we had no way in hell of getting the place covered in yeso, in such a short space of time. Let alone get the tiling done and the bathroom fittments in. Our savious came in the guise of a spanish builder who, as it turned out also was a yeso sprayer. Now we had heard of this but for some reason had not been able to locate one, until now.

180 bags of special yeso were ordered for the job, this yeso is specially made to be used with the yeso spraying machine and it is called yeso de proyeccion. At 8.30am yesterday the yeso sprayer and his crew arrived to commence work.

This is the machine, it is quite large, and has a constant feed of water and yeso, which means that there is someone with the machine all of the time. It looks like a big blender, and the bags of yeso are poured into the top through a grille where it is mixed with water and then fed into the the long hoses.
This is a top view of the grille, the inside looks a bit like the inside of a twin tub washing machine with paddles constantly mixing the yeso and the water
This is the yeso sprayer in action. He does small sections at a time and keeps the nozzle of the hose close to the wall, which greatly minimizes the splash back effect.
He was very careful around the electrical sockets, although we have not connected the power yet to this area. He was also very careful around the door frames and window frames. We removed the window, shutters and doors before he began.
This is a view of the bathroom showing that the contours of the rock were still visisble but well covered.
This is a view of the larger bedroom showing the effect that was acheived.

More views of the bedrooms.
These are views of the cave lounge and where we have had to stregthen the ceiling at one point. The void that can be seen will be blocked up and we will hand yeso this area, when it is completed.

This final shot is the other end of the cave lounge which has a tunnel/passage way that leads into what will eventually be the office. The area to the right near the tunnel/passage way it where the TV etc will go we are going to dig a shelf out to house the various other bits and pieces and then finish with yeso by hand.

We are delighted with the finish as the newer addition to the property has the same finish as the previously unrestored caves, so it all ties in very nicely. So there you have it Yeso spraying, not exactly cheap but we did have five rooms sprayed and it only took one day. Worked out at about €500 per room including materials.


Blogger Unknown said...

Having seen the effect for myself I would advise everyone to plaster in this kind of way - like you say it saves masses of time and hassle, the effect is in-keeping with rustic cave walls and works very well with outdoor structures too - thanks for the info and the pics.


11:25 pm  
Blogger Atila The Nun said...

Thanks CR I found a yeso/plaster flicker yesterday in Baza very similar to the one shown on your forum, and just as cheap. Today Rob found a yeso sprayer and a render sprayer. The cost of the yeso sprayer made us cry, we could have saved some money.

Chipping the yeso off the door frames and windows now and sanding down. Getting there!

2:50 pm  
Blogger Atila The Nun said...

Sorry I have just seen your comment as I am writing an article about yeso for the main site caves r us.

Yes spraying the yeso would be ideal as it covers over all uneven surfaces. If there is any flaking paint on your walls then yes I would take a very stiff brush to them to remove the residue. That said in the cave lounge and the cave bathroom the yeso was sprayed onto the bare rock/soil walls which do crumble a bit when touched, so I cannot forsee any problems.

1:57 pm  
Blogger markali52 said...

After much thought and consideration we decided not to build in Spain but to buy and after months of searching we ended up with a Polaris World property which all in all is a very good place especially as I only spend about six months here and the rest in the UK or France.

2:22 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Where in Baza did you find one we have been looking for ages!!

8:28 pm  

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