Two Weeks Work
Well after two weeks solid work this is what we have ended up with, and it is nothing short of a miracle, that this amount of work has been done.
We still have a lot of work to do in the main cave, but it was impossible to do whilst our team of builders were living and working there. We are going to concentrate of the re wiring and finishing inside the cave, and also getting the new kitchen up and running.
The cave lounge has to be left for a while so that the structural work can be completed, and the yeso has a chance to dry out.

This is more or less the completed picture so far, there is an awful lot more work to do, but we have the kitchen to a stage where we can finish it.

This is an inside view of the additional bedrooms, we are having one very large bedroom and a smaller guest room, with a corridor leading to the cave bathroom and cave lounge. I am not sure that the pictures really give a clear idea of size, but trust me the whole structure is massive.

This is the kitchen roof going on and I am pleased with the tiles we picked. We did not want something that stuck out like a sore thumb, we wanted the new builds to be as unobtrusive as possible. I think that once we have the chino on the whole building which will be white at the top and beige to the base, then it will all blend very nicely with the surrounding properties and the mountain side.

This is my team of builders who are clearly very please with what they achieved in two weeks. I think they have every right to be smiling as they have done a first rate job. Well done lads !

This is him indoors with the Team Leader Mike. Him indoors usually stands upright but I think that this is the best he could manage after a week labouring for the lads. Although that said he may chose to adopt this position to fall in with the stereotypical image that some people have of cave dwellers…….Ug!

This is ‘Mike and the Mechanics’ on their way home to
They have just told us that because they did not manage to get the tiles on the apartment they are coming back in two weeks to help us finish the project. What stars !!!!
Next post is Him Indoors and his last night singing at Franky’s. He has sung there for the last 5 years so this is a bit of an occasion, a little sad as it is the end of an era, but time stands still for no man. We have had some very happy times at Franky’s and he has, over the years become a good friend. Some of the photos on the next post may appear out of focus, this will probably be due to operator error.
Hiya Kate
Ty hun I have linked to your Blog and will put a link on the blog to your main site. If you want to advertise on my main site just hit the advertise for free button. I am aiming at going Today Spain tomorrow the world. We are starting to get some significant hits, which is they way I wanted it, slowly but surely.
Life is a continuous game, but you have to be in it two win it :-))
Van XX
Hi, Vanessa
Amazing how things are moving nicely(!)
You are doing a marvelous job and I will be keeping an eye on your progress! Take care!
Hiya Pebbles I was having some problems last night with the email for some unknown reason but it is ok now if you want to try and resend.
I think it was a small server problem but for about 2 hours I could not send anything and emails were not getting to me. Doh!
I can explain or I am sure CR can explain how to place links on your blogspot, it is not obvious how it is done, but once you know it is pretty
Van XX
Hey Jen
Don't worry Dad is working his socks
Rick has been lowering the floor in the tunnel from the office to our lounge. You know how tall he is I think he may walk with a stoop for the rest of his life, and he must bash his head about 5 times a day !!!
Bev helped me finish the arch from the kitchen, to the pantry and the serving hatch from the kitchen.
Rick also had a yeso fest in the new bathroom, if you look at the blog and the pictures of us flinging the yeso onto the lounge walls you will understand why he spent about 25 mins in the shower(that should please your
Speak soon Pet
Van, Dad, Rick & Bev XXXXX
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