The Builders Leave
Ok this is the traumatic part, today our building team leave as they are required on another job, we knew this and they knew this when they started, but all the same it is a shame that they could not be with us to complete. However we are truly grateful to them not only for the very hard work they have put in, but also for their kindness, their ability to retain a sense of humour even when they are exhausted, for putting in more hours than was asked or expected, and lastly for being such a great bunch of lads, who we hold in very high regard.
Today and Thursday this great bunch of lads got up much earlier than normal, (the fact that I cooked them an Indian meal the night before may have some bearing on this) and they had the cement mixer going before I had even had chance to focus. They were determined to try and get certain jobs finished before they left…..Bless!
I believe today they managed to complete all the doors and windows and window ledges and also put the tiles on the kitchen roof. I have not been able to be there today, but I have had a call to say they have worked very hard and completed more than we expected.

On Wednesday or was it Tuesday god knows I cannot remember, we had another Yeso fest. Now unless you have done this you will have no idea what it is all about, but I reckon given the right conditions it would be more of a crowd puller than mud wrestling.
We had two caves rooms that were in a totally natural state, and contrary to some very misguided opinions this is not a dank, dark slimy place with snot hanging from the ceiling……yes you know who you are !!!!
The idea is that you seal the rock with a fairly liquid solution of yeso and then build upon this in layers of thicker yeso. This should form a nice solid crust which if you like takes on the contours of the rock, but in a softer way. One of the rooms has quite a high ceiling and trying to get the yeso up there was hilarious to say the least. Of the three of us only one was tall enough or strong enough to launch the yeso to that height. Now if you consider the technique involved you will understand why, a great deal of yeso actually missed the walls and ceilings and hit us instead.

The technique is a kind of flicking motion with the yeso and it seems the closer you stand the more you wear, however I did later find that I could flick yeso standing very close but using little force, and did not wear that much. I think this is all about finding a happy medium.
We initially started without goggles and head gear, now I am sure I said on this blog that they were a must…..what was I thinking. Having got a dollop in each eye at the same time, goggles were sought and then towels for our hair. We still managed to cover ourselves and each other; end game the room was pretty much covered. We had to leave it at that as the floor had now become like a skating rink and we were walking out of there in shoes that felt like stilts.

I would like to say a very special thank you CR and Mrs CR, you are stars, there are not many people who I know who would have given up their time and energy to work so hard for mates, and get so filthy, and still have a giggle along the way. Your help was very much appreciated, (as was the beer) and I hope you had as much fun as I did :-)
Well not much more to say until I get the new photos which I will post next
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